Monday, 26 May 2008

Search Engines

Search Engines are designed to search for information through the web. We can identify two types of search engines: search engines and directories. With the difference on how result are searched. We can separate them in four main types, crawler-based search engines, directories, hybrid engines and paid search engines

Crawler-Based Search Engines known as spiders or web crawlers, they operate through software in order to automatically identify results to our search. Google is a crawler based search engine.

One of the most important factors you should remember is that a spider cannot ready flash, so even if you create impressive graphics using flash or JavaScript for your customer spiders cannot identify the content and it will skip this part of your page with result your page will rank low and it will not be visible for your human visitors. When you write your contents you should remember that even your human visitor will be attracted from a page full of contents a spider values the text closest to the beginning of your page and the end and further the links you have on your web page. On the other hand a spider can read you meta tags (meta tag description, meta tag keywords etc) your customer does read them.

When a spider will found you page will read it – known as crawling – and will leave a record on your server about its visit. The next stage is to compress the results and store the web pages in a search engine index. All the data are stored in the search engine index in a way that makes quickly to identify if a page is relevant to a particular search and to include in the search results with the most common words and phrases on the indexed page. The search results are according to how relevant your page is to these terms, according to a number of internal and external factors and your page rank.

Spider-Based Search Engines use directories as a source to identify new pages to crawl.

Human-Edited Directories on the other hand the list websites with a different structure. Human-edited directories require manual submission. After you submit your website it will be reviewed from an editor and it will prevent pages from being submitted automatically. An editor will evaluate your website according to the directory’s guidelines and the editor will decide if he/she will include your website in the list. Dmoz is one of the most important human-edited directories.

Hybrid Search Engines, they evaluate sites and scan them to identify for matches. Even Google and Yahoo a directory and crawler search engines, are also hybrid engine. A hybrid search engine like Yahoo usually will present human-edited search and Google will present crawled listings.

Meta Search Engines like MetaCrawler and DogPile will present a combination of results from search engines like Google, Yahoo, Msn and Ask.

Paid Search Engines. There are few paid search engines. There a few advertisement programs that offer pay-per-click and pay-per-performance search results. Google though Google Adwords and Yahoo and MSN they have programs for Paid search results.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

SEO - Internal Ranking Factors


Site structure – Create a friendly and easy website for your customers and search engines.

Home page - Optimize your home page with the most important word combinations. Your home page usually is the first page that engines will list.

Navigation menu – Use a human and search engine navigation menu. Add keywords in your menu links, it will provide search optimization value to your pages.

Pages - Increasing the number of pages increases the visibility of the site to search engines. Adding new information to your site, search engines will identify it as development of your website. Add news, press releases and articles. Present new text as often as you can.

Keyword phrases - Optimize each page for one keyword phrase or try to use two or three related phrases, but do not try to optimize your pages for 5-10 phrases.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

SEO - Internal Ranking Factors


There are a number of internal factors that could influence your site's position in the search engines. We will try to analyse internal ranking factors, which can be controlled for seo experts and web marketers.

Contents – Try to increase the text content to 500-3000 words. Search Engines prefer a page full of contents rather a page with 2-3 lines. Further you provide enough information to your potential customers.

Number of Keywords for each page – Use your keywords three to four times in the page text. Use variations, phrases but don’t repeat your keyword on every sentence. A useful tip is your keyword or keyword phrase to be at the beginning of your text, it becomes more important for the search engines.

Headings - Use keywords in your headings tags. Use bold for your targeted keywords, but don’t use bold for the entire text.

Title – Your page title will provide important information about your web site to the search engines and your customers. Within the 50-80 characters you can include a few keywords. You could use your company name and a sort description about your business and your services.

Page Description – Even though it does not influence Google it does provide valuable information about your business. Your description should be brief, but it should include relevant keywords to your page.

Keywords Meta tag - This Meta tag was initially used to specify keywords for pages but it is hardly ever used by search engines now. Use only keywords actually used in the page text must be added to it.

Links and Keywords – Use keywords for your internal or external links

Images and Descriptions – Use keywords for your alt tags, you can provide more information about your image.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

SEO Basic Steps

  • Find your keywords, search your competition and find the keywords you should use for your website. You can use Goolge 'keyword suggestions'.

  • Use Keywords variations to avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Title Tag is the top of your page and it is the description of your webpage and a description for the search engines. Your title tag should include the most important keywords for your page and it should be 63 characters or less.

  • Meta Description Tag is the description for your web page and it will show in all the search engines, so include your keywords, avoid stuffing your description with keywords and try to use variations.

  • Anchor Tag is used to form links within websites or from site to site. You should include your title and your main keywords.

  • Write quality contents using the right keywords for each page. And do not forget every page is unique

  • Use links through your text and bold to emphasize your keywords

  • Find backlinks from relevant sites and avoid link farms. It better to have 10 quality backlinks rather 100 from bad quality sites.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

SEO Quick Check List

•Use Keywords in your URL, your title, – relevant keywords to your website.
•Use headings (H1, H2, H3.. ) using keywords relevant to your page contents
•Keywords in anchor texts
•Use keywords in the beginning of you text
•Use a description using keywords in your tags, will help spiders since they cannot read images
•Use anchor text
•Get links from sites similar to your business and if there are .edu and .gov sites are the most reputable
•Use metatags even if there are not useful for Google there are though for other search engines
•Create unique content for your pages avoiding to duplicate your contents
•Check your links, check if you have any broken links or 404 errors, this is a reason for search engines and directories not to index your site
•Create a search engine and human friendly sitemap. Follow Google guidelines and create an easy to navigate sitemap for your customers

Seo Quick List with actions you should avoid!!

•Avoid keyword stuffing it is a factor to get banned from search engines.
•Do not use keywords unrelated to your website
•Avoid hidden text or hidden links.
•Don't use cloaking techniques
•Avoid "doorway" pages created just for search engines, you will not gain higher PR or customers
•Avoid cross-linking strategy and link farms
•Do not use the same content for your pages; it is a risk for your site to get banned and a way to lose your customers!
•Try to avoid Flash or JavaScript for search engines and your customers if they do not have the technology they can view your site

Search Engine Optimisation: Seo Art

Search Engine Optimisation: Seo Art